They are about a 30 minute drive from Muenster. I believe they are the highest point in all of Westfalia, although at only about 1000 feet, they are named for the forest, and not for the mountains.
You can't tell in any of these pics, but it was packed with people - alpine walkers, regular walkers, "real" mountain bikers (as opposed to people riding Hollander bikes in street clothes on flat unpaved paths and calling it mountain biking), and tons of kids and dogs.
The sun was shining for part of the afternoon, which was great, but it soon gave way to more clouds and fog. It was still beautiful, though.
Aengus seemed pretty happy about the trip, and afterward he got to accompany us to dinner at the Nobis Krug to lie by the fire while I ate the best Sahnerschnitzel ever made. It's awesome how accepted and welcome dogs are everywhere here, but I do realize that my love for him borders on obsession!
We're still doing pretty well here. Hope you are well, too. Until next time...
Your photos are amazing!! Thanks for sharing.
Wow... sounds and looks like you're having a great time. We miss you!
I especially love the golden forest photo. Looks so warm and golden
Just realized I also described pee. Sorry for being vulgar.
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