Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Record

Ok, so, according to the newest reports, I guess this current stretch of cold weather is the longest and coldest in Germany in the last 100 years. Fabulous time to be here. I guess it is still better than Minnesota, barely, but it's far short of balmy!

Also, I heard today that the amount of sun we've had in the last two months - probably about twelve days total, including the ones in November where the sun merely made a brief appearance - is way above average. A lifelong local resident said today that in an average winter (about 5 months, he was saying) they have ten days of sun. In five months.

Mexico, anyone?


Trish said...

You are jinxing Germany! LOL

I'm considering Mexico. Actually there's a thing on edinaplace for a week in Cancun all-expenses paid for $200. If only I had a week...

kate carpenter said...

You DO have a week! Go for it!